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How much does a private tour guide cost in Egypt ?

How much does a private tour guide cost in Egypt ?

Egypt, the land of pharaohs and awe-inspir­ing pyra­mids, beck­ons trav­el­ers with its rich his­to­ry and cap­ti­vat­ing cul­ture. To delve deep­er into this ancient won­der­land, a pri­vate tour guide can be your gold­en key. But how much does such a per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence cost?

Fear not, curi­ous explor­ers! This Triva­go guide unlocks the secrets of pri­vate tour guide pric­ing in Egypt.

A Spec­trum of Costs:

The price of a pri­vate tour guide in Egypt is a fas­ci­nat­ing tapes­try woven from sev­er­al threads:

  • Tour Dura­tion: Buck­le up for a half-day adven­ture? Expect a lighter cost com­pared to an immer­sive, mul­ti-day expe­di­tion.
  • Guide’s Exper­tise: A sea­soned Egyp­tol­o­gist brim­ming with knowl­edge com­mands a pre­mi­um com­pared to a more gen­er­al guide.
  • Group Size: Shar­ing the expe­ri­ence with a larg­er group often reduces the cost per per­son.

Ball­park Fig­ures:

Here’s a glimpse into the range you can expect:

  • Bud­get-friend­ly: Explore Cairo’s icon­ic sights for half a day with a guide for as low as $30 USD per per­son.
  • Mid-range: A full-day pri­vate tour with a knowl­edge­able guide in Lux­or can set you back around $60-$80 USD per per­son.
  • Lux­u­ry Expe­ri­ence: Immerse your­self in ancient won­ders for mul­ti­ple days with a top-tier Egyp­tol­o­gist. This could cost upwards of $100 USD per per­son per day.

Beyond the Guide Fee:

Remem­ber, the guide’s fee might not be the sole expense. Entrance fees to attrac­tions and trans­porta­tion costs are often sep­a­rate. Be sure to clar­i­fy inclu­sions with your cho­sen guide.

Pro Tip: Triva­go, your trav­el com­pan­ion, can assist you in find­ing rep­utable tour oper­a­tors in Egypt. They’ll pro­vide trans­par­ent pric­ing that often bun­dles guide fees, trans­porta­tion, and even entrance tick­ets.

Unlock­ing the Per­fect Fit:

The ide­al pri­vate guide isn’t just about price. Look for some­one pas­sion­ate about Egyp­t’s his­to­ry, with excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills and a knack for tai­lor­ing the tour to your inter­ests.

Tours with guide in Egypt

Sharm El Sheikh tours packages

redsea Fishing Trips

  • A full day on a fish­ing boat: Test your angling skills and see what you can catch in the vibrant Red Sea!
  • Deli­cious catch: Enjoy the sat­is­fac­tion of prepar­ing and savor­ing your fresh catch for lunch.
  • Some­thing for every­one: Whether you’re a sea­soned fish­er­man or sim­ply want to explore the under­wa­ter world, this trip has some­thing for you!
  • Under­wa­ter explo­ration: For those who want to go beyond fish­ing, snor­kel­ing gear is avail­able to mar­vel at the Red Sea’s incred­i­ble marine life.
red­sea Fish­ing Trips

after read­ing about How much does a pri­vate tour guide cost in Egypt ? .. read more from trivaeg web­site

The Monastery of Saint Simon tours

Sharm El Sheikh Shut­tles Assist Ser­vice

cairo tours packages

Half day tours to Giza Pyramids and Sphinx with english speaking Egyptology

  • Stronger open­ing: “Jour­ney through his­to­ry” grabs atten­tion bet­ter than “Enjoy a half-day.”
  • More descrip­tive lan­guage: “Awe-inspir­ing” and “time­less guardian” paint a more vivid pic­ture.
  • Focus on the expe­ri­ence: The rewrite empha­sizes what tourists will see and do.
  • Removed the pushy sales tone: Instead of men­tion­ing price first, it high­lights the tour’s val­ue.
Half day tours to Giza Pyra­mids and Sphinx with eng­lish speak­ing Egyp­tol­ogy

Private Felucca ride by the Nile cairo

Escape the crowds and expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of the Nile Riv­er on a pri­vate feluc­ca ride with Trivaeg Nile Trips. Imag­ine your­self glid­ing along the water on a tra­di­tion­al Egypt­ian sail­boat, tak­ing in the icon­ic sights of Cairo from a unique per­spec­tive.

Your Tran­quil Escape Awaits

Whether you pre­fer the seren­i­ty of a sun­rise or the breath­tak­ing beau­ty of a sun­set, our feluc­ca rides offer a cozy and unfor­get­table atmos­phere. Immerse your­self in the rhythm of the Nile and dis­cov­er a dif­fer­ent side of Cairo.

Pri­vate Feluc­ca ride by the Nile cairo

Old Egypt Private Tour with Guide

Embark on a cap­ti­vat­ing pri­vate jour­ney through Islam­ic and Cop­tic Cairo, where his­to­ry unfolds at every turn. Immerse your­self in the city’s vibrant cul­ture as you explore its most sig­nif­i­cant land­marks.

  • Mar­vel at Archi­tec­tur­al Gems: Wit­ness the grandeur of Old Cairo, includ­ing the impos­ing Citadel of Sal­adin, breath­tak­ing mosques, the unique Hang­ing Church, and the bustling Khan El-Khalili Bazaar.
  • Step Back in Time: Delve into the heart of Islam­ic Cairo at the Citadel of Sal­adin and El Moez Street. Let the exquis­ite archi­tec­ture trans­port you to a bygone era.
  • Tan­ta­lize Your Taste Buds: Savor the essence of Egypt with a deli­cious lunch fea­tur­ing tra­di­tion­al cui­sine at a local restau­rant.
Old Egypt Pri­vate Tour with Guide

after read­ing about How much does a pri­vate tour guide cost in Egypt ? .. read more from trivaeg web­site

Is Marsa Alam good for snor­kel­ing

Sun­rise Quad Bike Trip

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Ahmed Maher

Published by
Ahmed Maher

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