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Luxury Tours in Sharm el Sheikh Packages

Best Luxury Tours in Sharm el Sheikh

Sharm El Sheikh, nes­tled on the south­ern tip of the Sinai Penin­su­la, beck­ons with unpar­al­leled lux­u­ry and nat­ur­al won­ders.

Beyond the pris­tine beach­es and vibrant coral reefs, a world of indul­gence awaits. This haven offers a pletho­ra of lux­u­ri­ous tours to unveil its mag­ic, cater­ing to the dis­cern­ing trav­el­er.

Immerse in Aquatic Luxury:

  • Yacht­ing Bliss: Embark on a pri­vate yacht char­ter, cruis­ing the crys­tal-clear waters of the Red Sea. Indulge in gourmet meals pre­pared by a per­son­al chef, sun­bathe on spa­cious decks, and snorkel or dive amidst vibrant coral reefs teem­ing with marine life.

  • Under­wa­ter Opu­lence: Explore the under­wa­ter world in style with a pri­vate sub­ma­rine tour. Descend into the cool depths in air-con­di­tioned com­fort, mar­veling at the daz­zling array of fish and coral for­ma­tions.

Desert Delights:

  • Glamp­ing Extrav­a­gan­za: Trade the con­fines of a hotel room for a lux­u­ri­ous desert camp. Stargaze under a blan­ket of stars, enjoy gourmet meals under the moon­light, and embark on excit­ing jeep safaris through the gold­en sands.

  • Bedouin Sojourn: Expe­ri­ence the rich cul­ture of the Bedouin peo­ple with a pri­vate desert tour. Ride a majes­tic camel across the dunes, savor a tra­di­tion­al Bedouin feast, and learn about their fas­ci­nat­ing way of life.

Cultural Gems:

  • Pri­vate Lux­or Day Trip: Soar above the desert land­scape on a pri­vate plane to Lux­or, the ancient city of Thebes. Explore the awe-inspir­ing Val­ley of the Kings, mar­vel at the majes­tic Kar­nak Tem­ple, and uncov­er the secrets of the pharaohs.

  • St. Cather­ine’s Monastery Tour: Embark on a his­tor­i­cal jour­ney to St. Cather­ine’s Monastery, nes­tled amidst the rugged peaks of Mount Sinai. This UNESCO World Her­itage Site is said to be the loca­tion where Moses received the Ten Com­mand­ments, offer­ing a unique blend of his­to­ry and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty.

Beyond the Tours:

  • Lux­u­ry Accom­mo­da­tions: Sharm El Sheikh boasts a col­lec­tion of opu­lent resorts, offer­ing unpar­al­leled ser­vice, world-class spas, and exquis­ite din­ing expe­ri­ences. Unwind in spa­cious suites, indulge in pam­per­ing treat­ments, and savor culi­nary delights from around the globe.

  • Per­son­al­ized Ser­vice: Lux­u­ry tours in Sharm El Sheikh come with ded­i­cat­ed guides and per­son­al­ized atten­tion to every detail. Let your guide curate expe­ri­ences that cater to your inter­ests, ensur­ing an unfor­get­table jour­ney.

Sharm El Sheikh offers an escape unlike any oth­er. Indulge in lux­u­ri­ous tours, explore breath­tak­ing land­scapes, and cre­ate mem­o­ries that will last a life­time. So, pack your bags and embark on your own voy­age of extrav­a­gance in this cap­ti­vat­ing cor­ner of Egypt.

Best Luxury Tours in Sharm el Sheikh Packages

White Island tours

Embark on a cap­ti­vat­ing half-day jour­ney to Ras Mohamed Nation­al Park, acces­si­ble by com­fort­able bus trans­porta­tion. Dur­ing your adven­ture, wit­ness the park’s breath­tak­ing land­scapes unfold before your eyes.

A Snorkel­er’s Par­adise:

Pre­pare to be mes­mer­ized by the world-renowned coral reefs of Ras Mohamed. This pro­tect­ed marine sanc­tu­ary boasts a daz­zling array of marine life, offer­ing an unfor­get­table snor­kel­ing expe­ri­ence.

White Island tours
best White Island tours

Intro Diving in Sharm El Sheikh Beaches

Dis­cov­er the Under­wa­ter Mag­ic of Sharm El Sheikh with Intro Div­ing!

Embark on an unfor­get­table adven­ture with our Intro to Div­ing expe­ri­ence in Sharm El Sheikh! Explore the vibrant coral reefs and teem­ing marine life of the Red Sea.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Con­ve­nient pick-up and drop-off from your hotel in Sharm El Sheikh.
  • All nec­es­sary div­ing equip­ment includ­ed, so you can just focus on the expe­ri­ence.
  • Expert guid­ance from our pro­fes­sion­al instruc­tors who will ensure a safe and enjoy­able dive.
Intro Diving in Sharm El Sheikh Beaches
Intro Div­ing in Sharm El Sheikh Beach­es

after know­ing about Lux­u­ry Tours in Sharm el Sheikh Pack­ages .. read more from trivaeg the best tours book­ing web­site to egypt

How much does a pri­vate tour guide cost in Egypt

Lux­u­ry Tours in Hurgha­da Pack­ages

Sharm El Sheikh Sea Voyage Day Trip

This com­fort­able 4‑deck ves­sel offers a unique blend of adven­ture and relax­ation. Explore the vibrant under­wa­ter world through spe­cial view­ing win­dows on the Sub­ma­rine lev­el, our low­est deck.

Ascend to the sec­ond floor and indulge in a deli­cious seafood buf­fet at our 5‑star restau­rant. Sip on refresh­ing drinks at the spa­cious indoor bar on the floor above.

Top it all off with pam­per­ing at our rooftop SPA deck, com­plete with a Jacuzzi and sun­bathing area — the per­fect place to soak up the sun­shine.

Sharm El Sheikh Sea Voyage Day Trip
Sharm El Sheikh Sea Voy­age Day Trip

book best Dolphin Show in Sharm El Sheikh

Embark on an unfor­get­table fam­i­ly adven­ture with Trivaeg Sharm Excur­sions and wit­ness the won­ders of the dol­phin show in Sharm El Sheikh!

Dol­phins: Mas­ters of Enter­tain­ment

Pre­pare to be cap­ti­vat­ed by a daz­zling per­for­mance by these high­ly trained dol­phins, renowned as some of the most intel­li­gent and friend­ly crea­tures on Earth. Wit­ness their incred­i­ble acro­bat­ics and syn­chro­nized rou­tines, guar­an­teed to leave you and your loved ones with smiles from ear to ear.

book Dolphin Show in Sharm El Sheikh
book Dol­phin Show in Sharm El Sheikh

after know­ing about Lux­u­ry Tours in Sharm el Sheikh Pack­ages .. read more from trivaeg the best tours book­ing web­site to egypt

How much does Sharm El Sheikh Tour

Pri­vate Tours Excur­sions in Egypt

Sharm El Sheikh Shuttle Transfers

Skip the Taxi Queue and Relax: Afford­able Sharm El Sheikh Shut­tle Trans­fers

Head­ing to Sharm El Sheikh? Breeze through your arrival with a pre-booked shut­tle trans­fer! We’ll whisk you com­fort­ably from the air­port direct­ly to your resort.

No time to waste? Ditch the taxi line and be on your way to relax­ation in no time.

Start your vaca­tion faster! Avoid the queues and enjoy the com­fort of our reli­able and afford­able Sharm El Sheikh shut­tle trans­fers.

Sharm El Sheikh Shuttle Transfers
Sharm El Sheikh Shut­tle Trans­fers

tour from sharm el sheikh to St Catherine Monastery

Immerse your­self in his­to­ry and stun­ning scenery with this full-day excur­sion includ­ing all entrance fees, cour­tesy of Trivaeg Sharm Trips.

Jour­ney to St. Cather­ine’s Monastery:

  • One of the old­est Chris­t­ian monas­ter­ies in the world.
  • Uncov­er the rich his­to­ry as you explore the com­plex:
    • The revered Burn­ing Bush Chapel.
    • The Well of Moses, a leg­endary water­ing hole.
    • The awe-inspir­ing Basil­i­ca of the Trans­fig­u­ra­tion, the monastery’s main church.
    • The somber crypt and ceme­tery.
tour from sharm el sheikh to St Catherine Monastery
tour from sharm el sheikh to St Cather­ine Monastery

after know­ing about Lux­u­ry Tours in Sharm el Sheikh Pack­ages .. read more from trivaeg the best tours book­ing web­site to egypt

Which is bet­ter for snorkelling, Sharm el Sheikh or Hurgha­da

Reli­gious Places you should Vis­it in Egypt

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