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Private Tours Excursions in Egypt

Best Private Tours Excursions in Egypt

Embark on an unfor­get­table adven­ture through the sands of time with pri­vate tours in Egypt! Tai­lor-made for dis­cern­ing trav­el­ers, these excur­sions unlock the mag­ic of this ancient land at your own pace and with the per­son­al­ized atten­tion of a ded­i­cat­ed guide.

Immerse Your­self in His­to­ry’s Grandeur:

  • Pyra­mids of Giza: Stand in awe before these colos­sal mon­u­ments, pon­der­ing the mys­ter­ies of their cre­ation. Your pri­vate guide will unveil the fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ries of the pharaohs entombed with­in.
  • Val­ley of the Kings: Delve into the sacred tombs of Egyp­t’s pharaohs, mar­vel­ling at the intri­cate hiero­glyph­ics and art­work that adorn their walls.
  • Tem­ple of Kar­nak: Explore the largest reli­gious com­plex ever built, a sprawl­ing labyrinth of tem­ples and stat­ues that whis­pers tales of ancient gods and pharaohs.

Beyond the Pyra­mids:

  • Lux­or Tem­ple and Kar­nak Tem­ple: Wit­ness these mag­nif­i­cent tem­ples bathed in the gold­en hues of sun­rise, cre­at­ing a tru­ly breath­tak­ing spec­ta­cle.
  • Egypt­ian Muse­um: Explore a trea­sure trove of antiq­ui­ties, includ­ing Tutankhamun’s gold­en funer­ary mask and mum­mies that have defied time.
  • Abu Sim­bel: Jour­ney to wit­ness the awe-inspir­ing tem­ples of Ram­ses II, painstak­ing­ly relo­cat­ed to save them from the ris­ing waters of Lake Nass­er.

Craft Your Dream Egypt­ian Escape:

Pri­vate tours allow you to design your ide­al itin­er­ary, be it a whirl­wind adven­ture or a leisure­ly explo­ration.

  • Nile Cruise: Sail the leg­endary Nile Riv­er in style, lux­u­ri­at­ing on a pri­vate dahabeya or opu­lent cruise ship, while stop­ping at ancient won­ders along the way.
  • West­ern Desert Oasis Explo­ration: Ven­ture off the beat­en path and dis­cov­er the seren­i­ty of the White Desert, the rolling sand dunes of the Bahariya Oasis, or the lush palm groves of Siwa Oasis.
  • Red Sea Par­adise: Com­bine cul­tur­al immer­sion with relax­ation by adding a pri­vate tour exten­sion to the Red Sea coast. Explore vibrant coral reefs teem­ing with marine life or unwind on pris­tine beach­es.

The Priv­i­leges of Pri­va­cy:

  • Expert Guid­ance: Ben­e­fit from the knowl­edge and per­son­al­ized atten­tion of an Egyp­tol­o­gist guide who can answer your ques­tions and bring the past to life.
  • Flex­i­ble Pac­ing: Tai­lor the tour to your inter­ests and pref­er­ences, linger longer at cap­ti­vat­ing sites or move at a relaxed pace.
  • Exclu­sive Access: Enjoy the com­fort and con­ve­nience of pri­vate trans­porta­tion and poten­tial­ly gain access to restrict­ed areas or after-hours expe­ri­ences.

Unfor­get­table Expe­ri­ences Await:

Pri­vate tours in Egypt offer an unpar­al­leled oppor­tu­ni­ty to delve into the heart of this cap­ti­vat­ing coun­try. So, con­tact a rep­utable tour oper­a­tor today and start craft­ing your own extra­or­di­nary Egypt­ian adven­ture!

tours Excursions in sharm elSheikh

book Sharm El Sheikh Private Limo Transfers

Avoid the has­sle of taxis at Sharm El Sheikh Air­port! Pre-book your reli­able and afford­able trans­fer with Trivaeg and get to your resort stress-free.

  • Start your vaca­tion faster: Breeze past taxi queues and head straight to your accom­mo­da­tion.
  • Choose your com­fort lev­el: Relax in a pri­vate car or share a con­ve­nient shut­tle bus.
  • Local exper­tise: Our friend­ly dri­vers know the area and can share inter­est­ing facts.
  • More than just trans­fers: Trivaeg offers wheel­chair access, stor­age, and com­pet­i­tive rates.

Trivaeg Trav­el: Your reli­able Sharm El Sheikh trans­fer part­ner.

find the best Sharm El Sheikh Private Limo Transfers
book the best Sharm El Sheikh Pri­vate Limo Trans­fers

Private Boat Trip to Tiran Island or ras mohammed

Dive into the Won­ders of the Red Sea: Pri­vate Snor­kel­ing in Sharm El Sheikh

Expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of the Red Sea with a pri­vate snor­kel­ing trip aboard your own yacht in Sharm El Sheikh. This is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate unfor­get­table mem­o­ries with fam­i­ly and friends.

Explore the world-famous coral reefs at Ras Mohammed Nation­al Park or Tiran Island. These pro­tect­ed marine sanc­tu­ar­ies boast a stun­ning array of marine life, attract­ing divers and snorkel­ers from across the globe.

Immerse your­self in crys­tal-clear waters teem­ing with vibrant coral for­ma­tions, over a thou­sand species of fish, daz­zling starfish, and grace­ful sea tur­tles. Pop­u­lar snor­kel­ing sites include Shaab Mah­moud, Bea­con Rock, Jack­fish Alley, Yolan­da Reef, and Old Quay.

Ras Mohammed Nation­al Park is a haven for marine life. Strict reg­u­la­tions pro­hib­it fish­ing and activ­i­ties that harm the ecosys­tem. This ensures the con­tin­ued health and beau­ty of the coral reefs and their inhab­i­tants.

Private Boat Trip to Tiran Island or ras mohammed
Pri­vate Boat Trip to Tiran Island ras mohammed

after read­ing about Pri­vate Tours Excur­sions in Egypt .. read more the best tours book­ing web­site to egypt trivaeg.

Hurgha­da Day Trip To Lux­or By Bus

How much does a pri­vate tour guide cost in Egypt

Aswan tours packages

Private Nile Boat Botanical Garden Visit

Embark on a cap­ti­vat­ing jour­ney down the Nile Riv­er on a pri­vate boat cruise. Our des­ti­na­tion: the ver­dant oasis known as the Aswan Botan­i­cal Gar­den, nes­tled on the petite island of El Nabatat.

El Nabatat, a charm­ing oval island, mea­sures less than a kilo­me­ter in length and a mere half-kilo­me­ter wide. This emer­ald gem is home to the renowned Aswan Botan­i­cal Gar­den, also fond­ly referred to as Kitch­en­er Island. Its unique name harks back to 1899, when Con­sul Gen­er­al Lord Kitch­en­er, dur­ing his Sudanese mil­i­tary cam­paigns, used the island as his army head­quar­ters, then known as Lord’s House.

Fol­low­ing Lord Kitch­en­er’s depar­ture, the island returned to the Min­istry of Irri­ga­tion. Since 1928, the Min­istry has metic­u­lous­ly trans­formed El Nabatat into a botan­i­cal haven, boast­ing a remark­able col­lec­tion of trees from all five con­ti­nents. It even served as a research sta­tion, dubbed the Botan­i­cal Research Insti­tute, Aswan Botan­ic Island.

Private Nile Boat Cruise and Botanical Garden tours
Pri­vate Nile Boat Cruise and Botan­i­cal Gar­den tours

luxor tours list

Private Day Trip to the West Bank in Luxor

Embark on a cap­ti­vat­ing pri­vate day trip to Lux­or’s West Bank, where his­to­ry unfolds on a grand scale. Explore the necrop­o­lis of ancient Thebes, a vast com­plex ded­i­cat­ed to the after­life.

  • Val­ley of the Kings: Descend into the leg­endary Val­ley of the Kings, a necrop­o­lis con­tain­ing the tombs of pharaohs like Tutankhamun. Wit­ness the intri­cate hiero­glyph­ics and art­work adorn­ing their eter­nal rest­ing places (entrance fees for spe­cif­ic tombs may apply).
  • Colos­si of Mem­non: Stand in awe before the colos­sal twin stat­ues of Pharaoh Ram­ses II, rem­nants of a grand funer­ary tem­ple.
  • Hat­shep­sut Tem­ple: Ascend to the mag­nif­i­cent Hat­shep­sut Tem­ple, a mar­vel of archi­tec­ture ded­i­cat­ed to Egyp­t’s most renowned female pharaoh.
Private Day tour to the West Bank in Luxor
Pri­vate Day tour to the West Bank in Lux­or

Private Day Trip to Edfu and Kom Ombo

Jour­ney through time on a pri­vate day trip to Edfu and Kom Ombo, two mag­nif­i­cent tem­ples nes­tled along the Nile Riv­er.

Wit­ness the grandeur of the Tem­ple of Horus, the most well-pre­served tem­ple com­plex in Egypt. Its impos­ing sand­stone struc­tures stand as a tes­ta­ment to the fal­con god, pro­tec­tor of the pharaohs.

Unrav­el the mys­ter­ies of Edfu and Kom Ombo, two of Egyp­t’s most sig­nif­i­cant ancient struc­tures. Explore their intri­cate carv­ings and learn about the deities they hon­or.

Embark on a guid­ed explo­ration with a per­son­al Egyp­tol­o­gist. They’ll unlock the secrets of these sand­stone won­ders as you trav­el com­fort­ably between cities in a mod­ern air-con­di­tioned vehi­cle.

Delve into mythol­o­gy at the site where Horus bat­tled Seth, the embod­i­ment of chaos, to avenge his father Osiris.

Private Day Trip to Edfu and Kom Ombo luxor
Pri­vate Day Trip to Edfu and Kom Ombo lux­or

hurghaba best tours

Hurghada Private Boat Including Snorkeling Fishing And All Beverages

Unfor­get­table Red Sea Adven­ture: Pri­vate Snor­kel­ing Boat Trip in Hurgha­da

Embark on a pri­vate yacht­ing expe­ri­ence in Hurgha­da with Trivaeg Hurgha­da Trips! Escape the crowds and explore the under­wa­ter won­ders of the Red Sea in style.

Your Exclu­sive Day Awaits:

  • Lux­u­ri­ous Yacht: Relax on a pris­tine, com­fort­able pri­vate yacht for the entire day.
  • Snorkel Par­adise: Choose your snor­kel­ing des­ti­na­tion: the vibrant reefs of Gif­tun Island or the stun­ning Utopia Island. Let us know your pref­er­ence!
  • Unfor­get­table Explo­ration: Dive into the crys­tal-clear waters with masks or expe­ri­ence scu­ba div­ing (option­al, instruc­tor includ­ed).
  • Safe­ty First: Enjoy your Red Sea adven­ture with com­plete peace of mind. Our friend­ly and pro­fes­sion­al crew, includ­ing a guide, div­ing instruc­tor (if applic­a­ble), and pho­tog­ra­ph­er (option­al ser­vice), will be there to ensure your com­fort and safe­ty.
  • Lav­ish Egypt­ian Feast: After explor­ing the under­wa­ter world, savor a deli­cious Egypt­ian-style buf­fet lunch fea­tur­ing fresh seafood.

after read­ing about Pri­vate Tours Excur­sions in Egypt .. read more the best tours book­ing web­site to egypt trivaeg.

How much does Sharm El Sheikh Tour

Which is bet­ter for snorkelling, Sharm el Sheikh or Hurgha­da

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