Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions


Tour price cur­ren­cy is set to USD but you can pay in Euro or British pound. The prices quot­ed per per­son per tour all-inclu­sive and prices are always updat­ed to ensure you receive the best price pos­si­ble.


Child travelling with two accompanying adults will pay the following:

  • 0 Years to 2 years of age: Free of charge.
  • 3 years to 5 years of age: 50% from the full rate.
  • 6 years to 12 years of age: 75% from the full rate
  • 12+ pay full tour price as per adult per­son.
  • If your tour includes air­fare then an extra charge for child rate may apply.


    Cancellation all the year except peak time:

    Can­cel­la­tion requests should be sent via fax or emailed to pro­vide the Com­pa­ny with writ­ten con­fir­ma­tion that your reser­va­tion should be can­celled.

    In case you cancel your trip, the following scale of charges will be applied:

  • From the date of book­ing until 61 days before your arrival date, 15% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 60 and 30 days before your arrival date, 25% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 29 and 15 days before your arrival date, 50% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 14 and 7 days before your arrival date, 75% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 7 and 1 days before your arrival date, 100% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Addi­tion­al­ly, there are can­cel­la­tion fees on all domes­tic flights with­in Egypt. If you can­cel a tour at any time, you will be sub­ject to any fees accord­ing to airline’s can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy.

    Cancellation for christmas, New Year and Easter time

    In case you cancel your trip, the following scale of charges will be applied:

  • From the date of book­ing until 61 days before your arrival date, 25% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 60 and 31 days before your arrival date, 50% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 30 and 15 days before your arrival date, 75% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Between 14 and 1 days before your arrival date, 100% of the entire tour price will be charged.
  • Addi­tion­al­ly, there are can­cel­la­tion fees on all domes­tic flights with­in Egypt. If you can­cel a tour at any time, you will be sub­ject to any fees accord­ing to the airline’s can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy.


  • Reser­va­tion should be made as ear­ly pos­si­ble to book the desired hol­i­day.
  • Space on a giv­en tour will be secured upon receipt a deposit of 25 % of the full price. This pay­ment will be 50 % dur­ing the Christ­mas and New Year hol­i­days and on pack­ages includ­ing air­fare.
  • The deposit counts as part of your final pay­ment.
  • Deposit can be made by bank wire trans­fer or sent via West­ern Union or paid using a cred­it card (Visa or Mas­ter­Card)
  • Pay­ment should be received with­in 7 days of book­ing.
  • Pay­ment should be receved in full amount before 20 days of arraival time.

    Tip­ping for a job well done is cus­tom­ary in Egypt, though not required. Please feel wel­comed but not oblig­ed to offer a tip to your guide.
    TOUR VOUCHER After your trip is con­firmed, we will email you with the final con­fir­ma­tion as a vouch­er to print and bring it with you. Details will include con­tact num­bers for your tour oper­a­tor, cus­tomer care and addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion for your con­ve­nience.


    If the men­tioned cruise or the hotel are not avail­able, the com­pa­ny has the right to change to any cruise or hotel, as long as it is of the same cat­e­go­ry’s