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Tours Packages from Marsa Alam | best prices

Tours Packages from Marsa Alam

Trivaeg offers a vari­ety of tours and activ­i­ties from Marsa Alam, includ­ing:

From Marsa Alam Ancient Cairo & Giza Pyramids Day Trip by Flight

Unveiling Cairo’s Wonders: A Day Trip by Plane from Marsa Alam

Expe­ri­ence the cap­ti­vat­ing con­trast of Egypt with a whirl­wind tour of Cairo from Marsa Alam! Fly in com­fort and dis­cov­er icon­ic land­marks along­side hid­den gems.

Your Egypt­ian Adven­ture Awaits:

  • Wit­ness the awe-inspir­ing Pyra­mids of Giza and the enig­mat­ic Sphinx.
  • Delve into ancient his­to­ry at the Egypt­ian Muse­um, a trea­sure trove of pharaon­ic arti­facts.
  • Immerse your­self in the vibrant tapes­try of Islam­ic Cairo.
  • Hunt for unique sou­venirs at the leg­endary Khan El-Khalili Bazaar.

A Per­fect Day Trip:

This expert­ly planned itin­er­ary com­bines a quick flight with a ful­fill­ing explo­ration of Cairo. Max­i­mize your time and dis­cov­er the mag­ic of this bustling metrop­o­lis.

Cairo: Where His­to­ry Meets Moder­ni­ty:

Explore the heart of Egypt, a city brim­ming with cul­tur­al and reli­gious diver­si­ty. Cairo, Africa’s largest metrop­o­lis, is a trea­sure trove wait­ing to be unveiled.

Unveil­ing the Past:

Embark on a cap­ti­vat­ing jour­ney with an Egyp­tol­o­gist guide. Take a short flight from Hurgha­da Air­port and spend a day explor­ing the won­ders of Cairo.

Icon­ic Sights and Shop­ping Delights:

Wit­ness the leg­endary pyra­mids, mar­vel at the Sphinx, and lose your­self in the cap­ti­vat­ing col­lec­tions of the Egypt­ian Muse­um. Con­clude your day with a shop­ping spree at the Khan El-Khalili bazaar, a par­adise for sou­venir hunters.

The Per­fect Choice:

This “Cairo Tour from Marsa Alam by Plane” is ide­al for any­one seek­ing a glimpse into the heart of Egypt. Don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Cairo!

tour From Marsa Alam Ancient Cairo
tour From Marsa Alam Ancient Cairo

From Marsa Alam Day Trip to Luxor by Bus including The Entrance Fees

  • Dis­cov­er the won­ders of ancient Egypt on this fun and inter­est­ing full-day tour from to Lux­or by bus from Marsa Alam.
  • Come with us to Lux­or the great cap­i­tal of ancient Egypt!
  • We pick you up from your hotel in Marsa Alam in the ear­ly morn­ing with our com­fort­able, air-con­di­tioned bus and take you along the Nile to the most impres­sive open-air muse­um in the world – Lux­or.
  • Day trip to Lux­or by bus from Marsa Alam a takes you first to the Kar­nak tem­ple before you cross the Nile in a feluc­ca.
  • After­wards, you vis­it the Val­ley of the Kings, where you can mar­vel at incred­i­bly well-pre­served wall paint­ings and the mor­tu­ary Hat­sheb­sut Tem­pel.
  • She was con­sid­ered to be one of the great­est rulers in ancient Egypt. Before sun­set you will see the famous Colos­si of Mem­non before we take you back to your hotel in Hurgha­da.
  • No city in Egypt is as rich in his­to­ry as Lux­or, the city of palaces. Every cen­time­tre there has been a wit­ness to great his­tor­i­cal events.
tour From Marsa Alam Day Trip to Luxor
tour From Marsa Alam Day Trip to Lux­or

From Marsa Alam Private Day Trip to Aswan

Immerse your­self in the ancient allure of Aswan on this exclu­sive day trip from Marsa Alam. Your per­son­al Egyp­tol­o­gist guide will unveil the secrets of Nubian cul­ture, lead­ing you through cap­ti­vat­ing his­tor­i­cal land­marks.

  • Wit­ness the Aswan High Dam: Mar­vel at this engi­neer­ing mar­vel, a tes­ta­ment to human inge­nu­ity.
  • Explore the Tem­ple of Phi­lae: Take a scenic motor­boat ride to this enchant­i­ng island tem­ple, learn­ing about its dra­mat­ic relo­ca­tion and the cap­ti­vat­ing sto­ries it holds.
  • Unrav­el the Unfin­ished Obelisk: Stand in awe of this colos­sal struc­ture, a frozen moment in time from the 18th dynasty.
  • Delight in Local Cui­sine: Savor a deli­cious lunch at a local restau­rant, immers­ing your­self in the fla­vors of Aswan.
  • Con­ve­nience at its Finest: Enjoy the ease of pre-arranged hotel pick­up and drop-off for a stress-free day of explo­ration.

While a sin­gle day may not encom­pass Aswan’s full majesty, this pri­vate tour allows you to expe­ri­ence its most cap­ti­vat­ing high­lights.

Lis­ten close­ly as your knowl­edge­able guide brings his­to­ry to life. They’ll explain the fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry of Phi­lae’s relo­ca­tion, the roman­tic leg­ends asso­ci­at­ed with the tem­ple, and the sig­nif­i­cance of the last hiero­glyph­ic inscrip­tion on an Egypt­ian mon­u­ment.

tour Marsa Alam Private Day Trip to Aswan
tour Marsa Alam Pri­vate Day Trip to Aswan

and now you can see tour in marsa alam

Quad Bike Desert Safari marsa alam

Wadi El Gemal Snor­kel­ing Trip

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