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What to see in hurghada city in one day ?

What to see in hurghada city in one day ?

Hurgha­da, a daz­zling Egypt­ian city, offers more than just pris­tine beach­es. With a rich his­to­ry and vibrant cul­ture, it’s per­fect for a whirl­wind explo­ration. Here’s how to make the most of your 24 hours in this Red Sea par­adise:

Parasailing Leisure And Adventure in Hurghada

  • Our friend­ly and expe­ri­enced cap­tain and crew will do all the work to ensure your com­fort and safe­ty. Fly sin­gle, dou­ble or triple. Up to 3 peo­ple at a time.
Parasailing Leisure And Adventure in Hurghada
Para­sail­ing Leisure And Adven­ture in Hurgha­da

Hurghada Buggy Safari Desert Trip including Camel Ride

  • Bug­gy Desert Safari-Join us and enjoy the fan­tas­tic expe­ri­ence of dri­ving Spi­der Car or Bug­gy Safari in Hurgha­da and dri­ve to Bedouin vil­lage where you will know more about Bedouin life in Hurgha­da
Hurghada Buggy Safari Desert Tour
Hurgha­da Bug­gy Safari Desert Tour
  • A vis­it to the Jun­gle Aqua Park in Hurgha­da does not only put a smile on your children’s eyes, but also on yours. Dif­fer­ent pools and count­less water slides offer a great vari­ety for all fam­i­ly mem­bers.
Jungle Aqua park booking
Jun­gle Aqua park book­ing

One Hour Camel Ride Hurghada 

One Hour Camel Ride Trip is your chance to dis­cov­er the Ara­bi­an desert and the Bedouin.

Hurghada Camel Riding
Hurgha­da Camel Rid­ing

Giftun Island Snorkeling and Relaxing Day Trip Hurghada

You will dis­cov­er the untouched beau­ti­ful nature of Gif­tun Nation­al Park which con­tains a col­lec­tion of some of the most mar­velous corals and col­ored fish all across the islands as you will feel as if you have crossed to par­adise

Giftun Island Snorkeling
Gif­tun Island Snor­kel­ing

Hammam and Turkish Bath in Hurghada

  • You will feel like a new­born with a soft and sup­ple skin. The Turk­ish bath is worth a vis­it! The trans­fer will take you from the Ham­man and Turk­ish Bath back to your hotel in Hurgha­da.
Hammam and Turkish Bath in Hurghada
Ham­mam and Turk­ish Bath in Hurgha­da

Hurghada City Tour to the Old City including Shopping

  • Dis­cov­er the dif­fer­ent dis­tricts of Hurgha­da on this city tour and explore both the tra­di­tion­al old town and the new, mod­ern city.
  • After the Pick up from your hotel, you will dri­ve to the fish­ing vil­lage and vis­it orig­i­nal, sim­ple hous­es that only have one floor.
Hurghada City Tour to the Old City including Shopping
Hurgha­da City Tour to the Old City includ­ing Shop­ping

Hurghada Dolphin Show

Enjoy an incred­i­ble 1‑hour dol­phin show with your whole fam­i­ly, and wit­ness the intel­li­gence and charm of these spe­cial ani­mals. Get con­ve­nient­ly picked up and deliv­ered back to your hotel in a com­fort­able, air-con­di­tioned vehi­cle.

book Hurghada Dolphin Show
book Hurgha­da Dol­phin Show

From Hurghada Dendara and Luxor Temples Day Tour

  • Enjoy a day trip vis­it­ing two of the most beau­ti­ful and per­fect tem­ples in Upper Egypt Den­dara and Lux­or Tem­ples Day Tour.
From Hurghada: Dendara and Luxor Temples Day Tour
From Hurgha­da: Den­dara and Lux­or Tem­ples Day Tour

If you have extra time, con­sid­er a snor­kel­ing or div­ing excur­sion. The Red Sea boasts some of the world’s most spec­tac­u­lar coral reefs, teem­ing with vibrant marine life.

With care­ful plan­ning, your one day in Hurgha­da can be a delight­ful blend of cul­tur­al explo­ration, out­door adven­ture, and delight­ful relax­ation. So, pack your bags and get ready to dis­cov­er the mag­ic of this Red Sea gem!

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