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Where to spend a vacation in Egypt ?

Where to spend a vacation in Egypt

Egypt is a coun­try full of his­to­ry, cul­ture, and nat­ur­al beau­ty. From the ancient pyra­mids of Giza to the stun­ning Red Sea coast, there is some­thing for every­one in Egypt. Whether you are look­ing for an adven­ture-filled vaca­tion or a relax­ing get­away, Egypt is the per­fect des­ti­na­tion.

Here are a few of the best places to spend a vaca­tion in Egypt:

  • Cairo: The cap­i­tal of Egypt, Cairo is a bustling metrop­o­lis with a rich his­to­ry. Vis­it the Pyra­mids of Giza, the Egypt­ian Muse­um, and the Khan el-Khalili bazaar.

book now .. 4 hours pri­vate Trip to The Egypt­ian Muse­um includ­ing trans­fer & The Entrance Fees.

  • Lux­or: Once the ancient city of Thebes, Lux­or is home to some of the most impres­sive tem­ples in the world, includ­ing the Tem­ple of Kar­nak and the Tem­ple of Lux­or.

book now ..From Cairo: Pri­vate All-Inclu­sive Tour To Lux­or by Flight.

 Private All-Inclusive Tour To Luxor by Flight
Pri­vate All-Inclu­sive Tour To Lux­or by Flight
  • Aswan: Locat­ed on the banks of the Nile Riv­er, Aswan is a great place to relax and enjoy the scenery. Take a feluc­ca ride, vis­it the Phi­lae Tem­ple, or go on a desert safari.

book now .. From Aswan: Day Trip to Abu Sim­ple Tem­ple by Plane.

Day Trip to Abu Simple Temple by Plane
Day Trip to Abu Sim­ple Tem­ple by Plane
  • Hurgha­da: A pop­u­lar Red Sea resort town, Hurgha­da is known for its beau­ti­ful beach­es and excel­lent div­ing and snor­kel­ing.

book now .. From Hurgha­da Dol­phin House Snor­kel­ing and Water Sports

From Hurghada: “Dolphin House” Snorkeling and Water Sports.
From Hurgha­da Dol­phin House Snor­kel­ing and Water Sports.
  • Sharm El Sheikh: Anoth­er pop­u­lar Red Sea resort town, Sharm El Sheikh is known for its stun­ning coral reefs and lux­u­ri­ous hotels.

book now ..From Sham El Sheikh Sand Bug­gies Safari Trip

From Sham El Sheikh: Sand Buggies Safari Trip.
From Sham El Sheikh Sand Bug­gies Safari Trip.

Here are some addi­tion­al tips for plan­ning your vaca­tion to Egypt:

  • The best time to vis­it Egypt is dur­ing the spring (March-May) or fall (Sep­tem­ber-Novem­ber) when the weath­er is mild.

  • Egypt is a Mus­lim coun­try, so it is impor­tant to dress mod­est­ly and respect local cus­toms.

  • Ara­bic is the offi­cial lan­guage of Egypt, but Eng­lish is wide­ly spo­ken in tourist areas.

  • The Egypt­ian cur­ren­cy is the pound (EGP).

  • Tip­ping is expect­ed in Egypt. A tip of 10% is stan­dard for restau­rants and taxis.

With its rich his­to­ry, stun­ning scenery, and friend­ly peo­ple, Egypt is a coun­try that will leave you with mem­o­ries to last a life­time.

Here are some addi­tion­al activ­i­ties that you can enjoy dur­ing your vaca­tion in Egypt:

  • Take a Nile Riv­er cruise.

  • Vis­it the Val­ley of the Kings.

  • Go sand­board­ing in the White Desert.

  • Explore the Siwa Oasis.

  • Attend a tra­di­tion­al Egypt­ian dance per­for­mance.


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