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Which is better for snorkelling, Sharm el Sheikh or Hurghada?

Which is better for snorkelling, Sharm el Sheikh or Hurghada?

The Red Sea beck­ons with vibrant coral reefs and daz­zling marine life, mak­ing both Sharm el Sheikh and Hurgha­da prime des­ti­na­tions for snorkel­ers. But with each boast­ing unique under­wa­ter expe­ri­ences, choos­ing the per­fect spot can be tricky. Let’s dive in and explore which resort reigns supreme for your snor­kel­ing adven­ture.

Sharm el Sheikh: A Kaleidoscope of Coral

Sharm el Sheikh takes the crown for sheer vari­ety and prox­im­i­ty to world-class reefs. Ras Mohammed Nation­al Park, a UNESCO World Her­itage Site, is a snorkel­er’s par­adise. Here, vibrant coral gar­dens teem with col­or­ful fish, while dra­mat­ic drop-offs offer glimpses of larg­er marine life. Near­by, the leg­endary SS Thistle­gorm wreck, a World War II ship­wreck teem­ing with fish, awaits explo­ration. Sharm el Sheikh caters well to begin­ners, with many hotels offer­ing house reefs acces­si­ble direct­ly from the shore.

Hurghada: Laid-Back Luxury and Reef Riches

Hurgha­da offers a relaxed atmos­phere with a wider range of hotel options, often at more afford­able prices. While the reefs aren’t quite as dra­mat­ic as Sharm el Sheikh’s, they still boast incred­i­ble diver­si­ty. Many hotels have house reefs, per­fect for casu­al snorkelling. Boat trips whisk you away to off­shore gems like Gif­tun Island, renowned for its coral for­ma­tions and crys­tal-clear waters. Addi­tion­al­ly, Hurgha­da offers a good selec­tion of wreck dives, mak­ing it a well-round­ed choice for snorkel­ers.

Choosing Your Underwater Adventure

  • For the most stun­ning reefs and diverse marine life: Sharm el Sheikh wins hands down, espe­cial­ly with access to Ras Mohammed Nation­al Park.
  • For a relaxed atmos­phere, con­ve­nient house reefs, and afford­abil­i­ty: Hurgha­da might be a bet­ter fit.
  • For a mix of snor­kel­ing and oth­er activ­i­ties: Both resorts offer plen­ty of options, but Hurgha­da might have a slight edge with its prox­im­i­ty to his­tor­i­cal sites like Lux­or.

Ulti­mate­ly, the best choice depends on your pri­or­i­ties. Con­sid­er your bud­get, desired lev­el of adven­ture, and trav­el style. Whichev­er resort you choose, the Red Sea’s under­wa­ter world promis­es an unfor­get­table snor­kel­ing expe­ri­ence.

now after read­ing about Which is bet­ter for snorkelling, Sharm el Sheikh or Hurgha­da?  .. check snorkelling tours pack­ages from trivaeg

snorkelling tours packages

Hurghada Dolphin House

Embark on an unfor­get­table adven­ture! This 9‑hour snor­kel­ing trip from Hurgha­da takes you to the open sea in search of play­ful dol­phins.

  • Cruise along the crys­tal-clear waters and keep your eyes peeled for these fas­ci­nat­ing crea­tures.
  • Immerse your­self in the vibrant under­wa­ter world. Snorkel along­side col­or­ful coral reefs and encounter a daz­zling array of marine life.
  • The Dol­phin House Hurgha­da trip offers a unique chance to swim with dol­phins in their nat­ur­al Red Sea habi­tat. Imag­ine the thrill of see­ing them in their ele­ment!
  • Take mul­ti­ple snor­kel­ing stops through­out the day, explor­ing the rich bio­di­ver­si­ty of this del­i­cate ecosys­tem.
Hurghada Dolphin House
Hurgha­da Dol­phin House

From Hurghada Giftun Island Snorkeling and Relaxing Day Trip

Dive into par­adise on a snor­kel­ing adven­ture to Gif­tun Island, the crown jew­el of Hurghada’s Red Sea Riv­iera! Explore the pris­tine beau­ty of Gif­tun Nation­al Park, where vibrant coral reefs and col­or­ful fish cre­ate an under­wa­ter won­der­land. Immerse your­self in this untouched haven and feel like you’ve crossed over to a breath­tak­ing par­adise.

Hurghada Giftun Island Snorkeling
Hurgha­da Gif­tun Island Snor­kel­ing

From Hurghada Mahmya Island “Different Atmosphere in exceptional Place”

Imag­ine your­self on a pris­tine beach with white sand and turquoise water so clear it feels like anoth­er world. That’s Mah­mya Island wait­ing for you!

Our adven­ture begins with a scenic one-hour boat ride across the crys­tal-clear Red Sea. As we approach Mah­mya, breathe in the fresh sea air and get ready for a day of relax­ation and fun.

Upon arrival, a small shut­tle boat whisks you direct­ly to the south­ern coast of Gif­tun Island Beach, a pro­tect­ed area famous for its stun­ning nat­ur­al beau­ty. Here, you can choose your per­fect par­adise activ­i­ty:

  • Dive into the crys­tal-clear waters and explore the vibrant coral reefs teem­ing with col­or­ful fish. Snor­kel­ing gear is avail­able for an unfor­get­table under­wa­ter adven­ture.
  • Spike up some fun with a game of beach vol­ley­ball.
Hurghada Mahmya Island
Hurgha­da Mah­mya Island

Sharm El Sheik Pirate Boat Trip

Set Sail on a Lux­u­ri­ous Pirate Ship in Sharm El Sheikh

Embark on a unique and unfor­get­table adven­ture aboard the “Pearl of the Fleet,” our mag­nif­i­cent wood­en, pirate-themed yacht in Sharm El Sheikh.

This VIP boat trip lets you expe­ri­ence the Red Sea from a pirate’s per­spec­tive. Whether you choose a voy­age to Tiran Island or Ras Mohamed, you’ll cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries amidst breath­tak­ing scenery.

Sharm El Sheik Pirate Boat Trip
Sharm El Sheik Pirate Boat Trip

From Sharm El Sheikh Abu Galum Safari Day Trip

Embark on a thrilling jeep safari through the majes­tic moun­tains of the Sinai desert! Buck­le up in a stur­dy 4x4 Land Cruis­er and get ready for an unfor­get­table day.

Your adven­ture includes:

  • 1‑hour Camel Ride: Tra­verse the scenic Sinai val­leys on the back of a gen­tle camel, a tra­di­tion­al mode of desert trans­port.

  • Snorkel the Blue Hole: Immerse your­self in the crys­tal-clear waters of the Blue Hole, a pro­tect­ed area boast­ing some of Africa’s most stun­ning coral reefs.

  • Bedouin Lunch: Savor a deli­cious and authen­tic lunch pre­pared by the hos­pitable Bedouin peo­ple.

  • Dou­ble the Snor­kel­ing Fun: After lunch, head to the serene lagoon for anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the vibrant under­wa­ter world.

Sharm El Sheikh Abu Galum Safari Day Trip
Sharm El Sheikh Abu Galum Safari Day Trip

now after read­ing about Which is bet­ter for snorkelling, Sharm el Sheikh or Hurgha­da?  .. check more

turk­ish bath sharm el sheikh

Kar­nak Sound and Light Show

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